Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Case Studies for Management
While examples of guaranteed payment exist, the length ND size of the payments is considered uncommon. In 2005, the CEO received his guaranteed bonus while the amount of money allotted to the non-salaried employee bonus program decreased by 50 percent. Questions: 1 . How does expected performance relate to the current business outlook? 2. What are the results that need to be achieved In the short and long term? 3. Is senior management prepared to support and communicate this program or issue? 4. Are compensation committee members/board of director members familiar with similar programs or issues? . Has the compensation committee/board of directors reviewed animal compensation programs or Issues In the past? ENRON CORP. In the late sass and into 2001, Enron Corp.. Provided its executives with compensation packages that included equity stakes in business units. Although many companies use equity In rewards programs, the amounts provided to Enron executives were unusually large (greater than 5 percent) and not tied to long-term performance because executives were allowed to convert their equity into either than $310 million by converting equity stakes into cash.In addition to the equity stakes, Enron rewarded two executives large cash bonuses of $54 million and $42 million. The chairman/chief executive of a subsidiary allegedly received a 20-percent stake in his unit, thus becoming a minority owner. He eventually converted his stake into more than $20 million in cash before leaving the company. The executive's stake, however, was not listed on any company's proxy filings, despite the fact that the stake diluted the value of the shareholders' investments. 1 . Are there particular communities/social or political activists that will react to this plan? 2.To what extent do you want to match or differ from market pay practices? 3. Do you know what financial constraints may affect program design? 4. Has your accounting division reviewed this program design from an accou nting treatment perspective? 5. What are the results that need to be achieved in the short and long term? Case #28 KGB HOME The CEO of KGB Home departed in 2006 after an internal investigation revealed that he had backdated his own stock options. The company's internal investigation indicated that the CEO and head of HER had probably altered the dates of stock option grants between 1998 and 2005.As a result of the backdating, the company indicated a need to restate more than three years of financial results and incur an additional compensation expense of more than $41 million. Despite the scandal and ongoing investigation at the time of his departure, the terms of the Coo's employment agreement provided him with the ability to collect as much as $175 million in severance, pension and stock. Because of the backdated options scandal, the company adopted a new policy that all stock option grants and the terms of the grants be approved by the compensation committee.The company also appo inted a nonconsecutive chairman of the board, a chief compliance officer, and did not grant any stock options to executives in 2006. 1 . To what extent is the legal department involved in compensation planning, design, administration and disclosure? 2. Is the legal department comfortable with this design in the current legal/regulatory environment? 3. What is the likely perspective population perceive this program as fair? 5. How and when will you disclose this plan to shareholders? Case #29 WALT DISNEY CO. In 2003, Walt Disney Co. Warehouses filed a lawsuit relating to the $140 million severance package paid to the former the president. Shareholders contended that the directors knowingly or intentionally â€Å"breached their fiduciary duty of due care in approving (the president's) employment agreement,†and failed to consider the terms f the termination ? which was allegedly negotiated exclusively by the CEO. Although the court agreed with shareholders that the CEO had excl usively negotiated the deal and orchestrated the president's hire without input from the board of directors, it found that neither he nor the other directors breached their fiduciary duty.The court did, however, â€Å"criticize the members of the compensation committee for not doing more to inform themselves of the terms of Vita's employment agreement and to become involved in the review and approval process. 1 . What is the process for developing responses and communicating with Warehouses? 2. To what degree does the compensation philosophy align with corporate strategy, culture and organizational resources? 3. What are shareholder expectations about your compensation programs and how do they affect program design? 4. Is senior management prepared to support and communicate this program or issue? . Tools and processes are in place to support compensation committee decision making (e. G. , tally sheets)? Between 2000 and 2002 World CEO Bernard Beers obtained unsecured loans amounti ng to 20 percent of the firm's cash, allegedly at interest rates well below the market rates for large margin loans. Upon leaving the organization, Beers still owed $408 million. World subsequently entered bankruptcy and the share price dropped dramatically. Beers was then unable to pay back the loan by selling his shares, as he had allegedly planned.If the compensation committee had secured the loans, Beers' shares might have been seized in order to sell them to cover the loan when the stock price was still high enough to do so. 1 . Do you have the necessary systems to operational and administer this program? 2. Are there key stakeholders or influences (HER, legal, tax) that need to be part of the program development process? . Is your finance/accounting department prepared to support any special reporting requirements for this program? 4. What is the role of finance/accounting in plan design? . What is the company's position on appropriate level of transparency (disclosing more th an is required, simplification of written communications)? Case #31 Is Raja in needs of Remedial Training? Raja Sahara has been employed for six months in the accounts section of a large manufacturing company in Abridged. You have been his supervisor for the past three months. Recently you have been asked by the management to find out the intrusions of each employee in the Accounts Section and monitor carefully whether they are meeting the standards set by you.A few days back you have completed your formal investigation and with the exception of Raja, all seem to be meeting the targets set by you. Along with numerous errors, Raja's work is characterized by low performance – often he does 20 percent less than the other clerks in the department. As you look into Raja's performance review sheets again, you begin to wonder 1 . As Raja's supervisor can you find out whether the poor performance is due to poor training or to some other cause? . If you find Raja has been inadequately trained, how do you go about introducing a remedial training programmer? . If he has been with the company six months, what kind of remedial programmer would be best? 4. Should you supervise him more closely? Can you do this without making it obvious to him and his co-workers? 5. Should you discuss the situation with Raja? Case #32 SONS AND ARPA COMPANY The Sons and ARPA Company manufactured wooden toys of various kinds; wooden animals, pull toys, and the like. One part of the manufacturing process involved spraying paint on the partially assembled toys. This operation was staffed entirely by women. The toys were cut, sanded and partially assembled in the wood room.Then they were dipped into shellac, following which they were painted. The toys were predominantly two colored; a few were made in more than two colors. Each color required an additional trip through the paint room. For a number of years, production of these toys had been entirely and work. However, to meet the tremendou sly increase in demand, the painting operation had recently been re- engineered so that the eight operators (all women) who did the painting sat in a line by an endless chain of hooks. Those hooks were in continuous motion, past the line of operators and into a long horizontal oven.Each woman sat at her own painting booth so designed as to carry away fumes and to backstop excess paint. The operator would take a toy from the tray beside her, position it in a Gig inside the painting cubicle, spray on the color according to a pattern, then release the toy and hand it to the hook passing by. The rate at which the hooks moved has been calculated by the engineers so that each hook before it passed beyond her reach. The operators working in the pain room were on a group bonus plan. Since the operation was new to them, they were, receiving a learning bonus, which decreased by regular amounts each month.The learning bonus was scheduled to vanish in six months, by which time it was expected t hat they would be on their own, that is, able to meet the standard and to earn a group bonus when they exceeded it. By the second month of the training period. Trouble had developed. The employees learned more slowly than had been anticipated, and it began to look as though their production would stabilize complained that they were going by too fast, and that the time study man had set the rates wrong. A few women quit and had to be replaced with new operators, which further aggravated the learning problem.The team spirit that the management had expected to develop automatically through the group bonus was not in evidence except as an expression of what the engineers called â€Å"resistance†. One woman whom the group regarded as its -leader (and the management regarded as the ring-leader) was outspoken by voicing the various complaints of the group before the foreman; the Job was messy one, the hooks moved too fast, the incentive pay was not being correctly calculated, and it was too hot working so close to the drying oven. A consultant who was brought into this picture worked entirely with and through the foreman.After many conversations with him, the foreman felt that the first step should be to get the employees together for a general discussion of the working conditions. He took this step with some hesitation, but he took on his own volition. The first meeting, held immediately after the shift was over at four o'clock in the afternoon was attended by all the eight operators. They voiced the same complaints again: the hook sent by too fast, the Job was too dirty, the room was hot and poorly ventilated. For some reason, it was this last item that they complained of most.The foreman promised to discuss the problem of ventilation and temperature with the engineers, and he scheduled a second meeting to report back to the employees. In the next few days the foreman had several talks with the engineers. They and the superintendent felt that this was really a trumped-up complaint, and that expense of any effective corrective measure would be prohibitively high. The foreman came to the second meeting with some apprehensions. The operators, however, did not seem to be much put out, perhaps because they had a proposal of their own to make.They let that if several large fans were set up so as to circulate the air around their feet, they would be much more comfortable. After some discussion, the foreman agreed that the idea might be tried out. The foreman and the consultant discussed the question of the fans with the superintendent, and three large propeller-type fans were purchased. The fans were brought in. The women were Jubilant. For several days the fans were moved about in various positions until they were placed to the satisfaction of the group.The operators seemed completely satisfied with the results, and the relations between them and the foreman improved visibly. The foreman, after this encouraging episode; decided that further meetings might also be profitable. He asked the operators if they would like to meet and discuss other aspect of the work situation. They were eager to do this. The meeting was held, and the discussion quickly centered on the speed of the hooks. The operators maintained that the time study man had them at an unreasonably fast speed and that they would never be able to reach the goal of filling enough of them to make a bonus.The turning point of the discussion came when the group's leader frankly explained that he point wasn't that they couldn't work fast enough to keep up with the hooks, but they couldn't work at that pace all the day long. The foreman explored the point. The employees were unanimous in their opinion that they could keep up with the belt for short periods if they wanted to. But they didn't want because if they showed they could do this for short periods they would be expected to do it all day long. The faster or slower depending on how we feel†. The foreman ag reed to discuss this with the superintendent and the engineers.The reaction of the engineers to the suggestion was negative. However, after several meetings it was granted that there was some latitude within which variations in the speed of the hooks would not affect the finished product. After considerable argument with the engineers, it was agreed to tryout the operators' idea. With misgiving?, the foreman had a control with a dial marked ‘low, medium, fast' installed at the booth of the group leader; she could now adjust the speed of the belt anywhere between the lower and upper limits that the engineers had set.The operators were delighted and spent many lunch hours deciding how the speed of the belt should be varied from hour to hour throughout he day. Within a week the pattern had settle down to one which the first half-hour of the shift was run on what the operators called a ‘medium' speed (a dial setting slightly above the point marked ‘medium'). The next t wo-and-a-half hours were run at ‘high' speed the half-hour before lunch and half hour after lunch were run at ‘low' speed.The rest of the afternoon was run at ‘high speed' with the exception of the last 45 minutes of the shift, which was run at ‘medium'. In view of the operators' reports of satisfaction and ease in work, it is interesting to note that the constant speed at which ,the engineers has originally set the belt was slightly below medium on the dial of the control that had been given to the women. The average speed at which they were running the belt was on the high side of the dial. Few, if any empty hooks entered the oven, and inspection showed no increase of rejects from the paint room.Production increased, and within 2 weeks (some 2 months before the scheduled ending of the learning bonus) the operators were operating at 30 to 50 per cent above the level that had been expected under the original arrangement. Naturally their earnings were correspo ndingly higher than anticipated. They were collecting their base pay, a considerable piece-rate bonus, and the learning bonus which, it will be remembered, had been set to decrease with time and not as a function of current productivity. The operators were earning more than many skilled workers in other parts of the plant. 1 .From the angle of Job enrichment, which core Job dimension or Job characteristic was most influenced by new system of group regulated speed? Evaluate the reported success of the case against the principles of Job Enrichment. 2. Comment on the method of payment to the operators. How good do you think such a system is? 3-4. Would you consider the initial discontent of the operators as a grievance? Why or why not? 5. How would you characterize the involvement of the operators after the introduction of group-regulated speed? OLD ORDER CHANGED? Modern Industries Limited (MIL) in Bangor is an automobile ancillary industry.The company started manufacturing automotive components over two decades ago in a small way and has grown steadily over the years, employing over 4,000 persons at present with the turnover exceeding RSI. 100 scores. Its products are selling well and earning a sizeable amount of profits. The company is controlled and managed by an industrialist family. Known for their shrewdness and business acumen. They are among the first generation industrialists who started their industrial ventures in a modest way, during the early phase of industrialization in the country and along with the growth of automotive industry, MIL also grew up.The present Chairman, Mr.. Surest Shah had been with the company right from its inception; He started his career as an engineer trainee, rose to the position of the Managing Director and in 1983 became the company's Chairman. As a result, he is acquainted with every minute detail and also with every employee who has been in the company for long. He continues to keep in close touch with them and is easily accessible to all of them, overruling hierarchy. A high premium is placed on their loyalty and their long services are valued.The Chairman of the company firmly believes that each one of them has contributed significantly towards the growth of the company. In the light of the fact that the company maintained a â€Å"strong utilitarian culture†all along, the contribution of each and every employee had to be substantial and they were rewarded accordingly. At the same time, there were many instances, where the services were terminated due to inadequate performance. Mr.. Kandahar Taker owned MIL as a training instructor, over two decades ago. Prior to that, he served as an instructor at an Industrial Training Institute.He had himself obtained the craft instructors' certificate from IT'. He was 35 years old and his main task was to recruit young persons as trainees, either under the Apprentices Act or as company trainees and then train them as craftsmen. Most of these trainees we re absorbed to meet the growing needs of the company, and Mr.. Shah used to personally involve himself in the process of recruitment and training of craftsmen. Mr.. Taker was directly reporting to Mr.. Shah, despite the vast gap in the hierarchy. Mr.. Taker was promoted to the rank of training Superintendent in 1980, though there was not much change in his Job content.The growing phase of the company was practically over by that time, and the Apprentice training became a mere statutory activity. The company did not have the vacancies to absorb the trained apprentices, and therefore, Me. Became a subsidiary activity and was not given much importance. The winds of change were blowing through MIL also. Mr.. Nail Shah, the son of the founder industrialist took over as the Managing Director of MIL in 1983, whereas Mr.. Rammers Shah continued to be the Chairman of the company. The young MD was full of new ideas.He wanted to revivalist the company from all aspects and diversify into high t echnology areas. He wanted to modernize the present plant and change the management style from the traditional direct control approach to a systems controlled approach. A modern computer was bought and computerizing was introduced. The company had to face many problems while introducing these changes. One of the major hurdles was the problem of a number of senior employees, who were not adequately qualified or developed, but had grown into senior positions. Earlier the touchstone was loyalty and hard work rather than impotence.In the light of this situation, new competent professionals had to be hired to introduce the changes. MIL was well-known for its aggressive personnel policies. Anyone who Joined the company had to struggle hard for his survival as the company was ruthless in sacking those who were not meeting the requirements. It was particularly so in case of the new appointees, which in turn necessitated them to be ruthless in their work The older employees felt threatened a nd resented the changes and the consequent pressures. Therefore, they collectively approached the Chairman and requested him to intervene and safeguard their interests.The Chairman, who was not himself happy with all the changes, issued instructions to the MD, to the effect that no old employee be dislocated. The new MD had no other option but to comply with the order. The MD was interested in trying out the HARD approaches to train all the employees, particularly employees who were turning out to be deadwood's. He hired Mr.. Kumar in 1984 as a Training Manager. Mr.. Kumar was basically an engineer but had considerable experience with a multinational company in the field of HARD, particularly in Training and Management Development. He reorganized the training set up by inducting two Assistant Managers.Mr.. Taker was next to the Assistant Managers in the hierarchy ‘and reported to Mr.. Kumar directly and continued to manage the affairs related to apprenticeship training. Until Mr.. Kumar came along, Mr.. Taker had enjoyed the position of the head of the training division, though there was no other training activity apart from apprenticeship training. He was operating independently and was reporting directly to the MD. He continued to do so even after the organization have grown in proportion. Mr.. Taker felt demoted in the new set up. Fie lost his position and individuality in the organization, and his pride was seriously hurt.He was not prepared to accept Mr.. Kumar as his boss . And he started behaving in an irrational manner. He resented the vast gap created between him and the top man in the new structure. Mr.. Kumar tolerated him with the hope that Mr.. Taker would reconcile himself to the changes, in time. Unfortunately, he continued to behave in the same way and there was no improvement even after one year. When Mr.. Kumar tried to counsel him, Mr.. Taker demanded to be promoted to the level of Assistant Manager, as he happened to be the senior mos t people in the department. Kumar promised to look into his demand.On a careful analysis of the personal docket of Mr.. Taker and all the previous the Job that he was doing. Leave alone being entitled for further promotion, Mr.. Taker was not even fit for his present position. The company did not have a formal performance appraisal system. Its products were selling well, the profitability was good and accordingly all the employees were rewarded well. Promotions and extra increments were given arbitrarily based on the personal likes and dislikes of the top man, rather than on any objective analysis of performance or potential of an individual.No formal manpower planning or organizational planning existed. No efforts were made to forecast implications of such a system in future. On the whole, the company did not have any formal projection for the future. The company followed the practice of giving long service . Certificates and awards to all those who had completed 20 years of servic e in the company. Mr.. Taker had got his certificate only recently. There were several employees belonging to Mr.. Thacker's category. All of them united and met both formally and informally to discuss their strategies and demands. They used to put up their grievances to the management collectively.They had established a very strong rapport with the Chairman, Mr.. Shah. Mr.. Kumar presented all the facts to Mr.. Taker to convince him that his promotion was not possible. As the latter was not used to the kind of logic presented by Mr.. Kumar, he dismissed all his arguments as sophisticated Jargon, irrelevant to the context of his company. He was particularly bitter about the fact that his promotion was turned down whereas there were several people with similar background who have got their promotions. Therefore, there was further deterioration in his behavior. He started ignoring the directions of Mr..Kumar and worked as per his own whims and fancies, behaving arrogantly. He even wen t to the extent of challenging Mr.. Kumar that he could neither promote him nor demote him in the prevailing situation. So long as he was protected by the Chairman of the company, there was nothing for him to worry about and his Job was practically secure. Mr.. Kumar optimistically hoped that Mr.. Taker could overcome his frustration and anger over a period of time. Unfortunately, even after another six months there was no sign of any progress. In fact, the situation deteriorated further with Mr..Taker becoming more confident in his belief that' Mr.. Kumar was powerless to deal with him. He turned out to be a drag in the department, purposely creating problems for Mr.. Kumar. In MIL the annual increments and general raises were given as a policy to every employee who is termed as. The â€Å"Kanata raise†Mr.. Taker was quite sure that he would get his Kanata raise and reconciled himself to that. Mr.. Kumar tried to stop this raise but could not do so. There were several bulli es belonging to Mr.. Thacker's category in the organization and one of the tasks of the Training Manager was to handle such people.Though he had organized a few training workshops in the behavioral areas, it had not brought about the required attitudinal changes. Right under his nose he had a person whose behavior he was not able to amend. Mr.. Kumar realized that the desired changes were not possible, so long as the â€Å"flat security†was there. Due to a change in the governmental policy, there were several new competitors to MIL and the MD felt there was a strong need and urgency to bring in changes in the organization, to make it more dynamic and competitive. It was no longer possible to carry on the organizational dead woods. Mr.. Kumar was under great pressure to look
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
City of Mumbai (Bombay) Essay
Towns and cities have a long history in our world, but opinions vary on whether any particular ancient settlements can be considered to be a city. The first true towns are sometimes regard as large settlements where the populations were no longer simply farmers of the surrounding area, but began to take on specialized occupations, and where trade, food storage and power was centralized. By definition of the city, the first we know of were located in Mesopotamia and in Egypt along the Nile. Before this time it was uncommon for communities to reach considerable size, although there were exceptions such as Jericho and Mehrgarh. Among the early cities, Mohenjo-daro of the Indus Valley Civilization was the largest, with an estimated population of 41,250 , as well as the most developed in many ways, as it was the first to use urban planning, municipal governments, grid plans, drainage, flush toilets, urban sanitation systems, and sewage systems. Our course examines politics and government of selected cites such as Chicago and Miami, this paper will shed light on Mumbai, one the world’s most important and fastest growing city. Mumbai is the most populated city in the all of India and the home of world renowned Bollywood, yet there are still many that have never even heard of the city. This is mostly due in fact to its recent name change; the majority of people around the world still refer this city as Bombay but in 1995 the major city went under a name change and now goes by the name of Mumbai. Present-day Mumbai was originally a group seven islands, and artifacts found near Kandivali, in northern Mumbai indicate that these islands had been inhabited since the Stone Age. Documented evidence of human habitation dates back to 250 BC, when it was known as Heptanesia. In 1534, the Portuguese took over the islands from Bahadur Shah of Gujarat, and named it Bom Baia, Portuguese for â€Å"good bay†. In 1668 these islands were leased to the British East India Company which founded a deep harbor on the east coast of the islands to be ideal for setting up their first port in the sub-continent. Not long after, the population rose from 10,000 in 1661, to almost 6 times that in the next fifteen years. The year 1869 marked the opening of the Suez Canal, which transformed Bombay into one of the largest seaports on the Arabian Sea. Over the next few decades the city grew into a major urban centre, this was spurred by major improvements in infrastructure and the construction of many of the city’s institutions. India’s independence in 1947 labeled the city as the official capital of Bombay State, and in 1950 with the incorporation of the southern parts of Salsette Island, the city expanded to its present limits. Until the 1970s Calcutta remained as India’s most populous city, but thanks to a construction boom and a significant influx of migrants, Bombay would overtake Calcutta and to this day hold the title of India’s most populous city. And finally as stated earlier, in 1995, the city was renamed Mumbai by the government of Maharashtra, in keeping with their policy of renaming colonial institutions after historic local appellations. As of today the population of Mumbai is approximately 13 million, with a staggering density of roughly 29,000 persons per square kilometer. The ratio of women to men is about 81%; this gap is created by working males who come from rural areas. Mumbai’s overall literacy rate is above 86%, which is higher than the national average. Another surprising figure is the low crime rate; for a city of its size, Mumbai has a moderate crime rate. Mumbai recorded 27,577 incidents of crime in 2004, which is down 11% from 30,991 in 2001. The most common language spoken on streets of Mumbai is an informal form of Hindi, known as Bambaiya, which can be best described as a blend of Hindi, Marathi, Indian English and some invented words. Unfortunately, Mumbai suffers urbanization problems resembling those in many fast growing cities in developing countries such as the ones we study in the course. Issues of widespread poverty, poor public health and high unemployment affect a large section of the population. Also, with little available space to live, Mumbai inhabitants often reside in overcrowded, yet expensive housing, usually far from workplaces, which leads them to make long commutes on crowded mass transit, or clogged air polluted roadways. According to the Business Week, around 45-48% of the population lives in shantytowns and slums. Mumbai is known across the world as the commercial, but primarily, entertainment capital of India. When focusing on Mumbai it’s impossible to ignore its entertainment industry. Most of India’s major television and satellite networks are headquartered in Mumbai, as well as its major publishing houses. It is hard to find someone, even all the way here in Montreal that hasn’t seen a Bollywood movie. But its not all lights, camera, action in Mumbai, the city also houses important financial institutions, such as the Reserve Bank of India, the Bombay Stock Exchange, the National Stock Exchange of India as well as the corporate headquarters of many Indian companies. Thanks to its immense business opportunities and the relatively high standard of living Mumbai has attracted people from all over India and around the world which makes it a hodgepodge of diverse communities and cultures. The bulk of Mumbai’s prosperity is no longer due to the textile mills and the seaport, the local economy has been diversified to include financial services, engineering, diamond polishing, healthcare and information technology. MumbaÄ « contributes 10% of India’s factory employment, 40% of income tax collections, 60% of customs duty collections, 20% of central excise tax collections, 40% of foreign trade and Rupees 40 billion (US$ 9 billion) in corporate taxes. The city is run by the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) (formerly the Bombay Municipal Corporation), with executive power vested in the Municipal Commissioner, who is an IAS officer appointed by the state government. The Corporation comprises 227 directly elected Councilors representing the twenty four municipal wards . Mumbai isn’t immune to the commuting nightmares that face the citizens of most modern-day metropolitans. The general public, even those considered the upper class, rely on public transport to travel to and from their workplace. The lack of car parking spaces, horrendous traffic and poor road conditions makes it pointless for even those who can afford it, to own a vehicle. None the less, MumbaÄ « is a very unique city, already over 13 million citizens it continues to grow but at the same time continues to prosper and become one of the greatest cities of the 21st century.
Self-recommendation Essay
I am convinced to say that my secondary school life is not in vain because I have acquired both academic knowledge from lessons and practical experience from various extracurricular activities. Being a leader in the Scout, I realized that organization, time management and communication are of paramount importance in leadership. Being a senior patrol leader, I engaged in planning meetings for the scout members. In addition to briefing and communicating with the whole troop of scouts, I had to cooperate well with teachers in order to convey the messages clearly from teachers to all the scout members as well as consolidating the spirit of scouts. To become a more capable leader in a team, I would like to make progress in my leadership skill, especially the organization and management skills, and to capitalize on different aspects. Therefore, I determine to have further study on management, contributing myself to help people to organize and manage their business. Apart from leadership, I feel satisfied as long as helping someone who is in need. Through studying in science subjects, I found that nowadays advanced technology is established by the forerunners who devoted themselves to this industry, such as Steve Jobs. Definitely, the development in science and technology has brought convenience to our life. Although I am not going to become an inventor, I am willing to have further study on science technology in order to light up people’s life. Thus, I am enthusiastic in studying subject related to science and technology to equip myself to help people. All in all, I have recognized myself in the past few years. To show the gratitude to my teachers and friends, I would endeavor to show my best positive light on different fields. I look forward to my new journey in the future.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Evaluation of the effectiveness of a relaxed coorporate culture on the Research Paper
Evaluation of the effectiveness of a relaxed coorporate culture on the employees within a travel leisure industry - Research Paper Example Offering employees opportunities for free expression, the ability to offer their own innovations related to changes in the corporate environment, and improving the social networking opportunities with peers and managers are often the human resources activities that have become paramount to building a more cooperative and loyal organisation. However, despite these changes related to giving employees more opportunities within the business, there are problems with decentralisation efforts in business when decision-making is taken away from senior executive leadership and given to lower-level employees. Without tighter controls in areas of job role function and line management, employees have opportunities to become too focused on their own individualized reward systems and can potentially create competition between peers rather than creating a team-focused environment dedicated to meeting long-term strategic goals. Especially in a travel leisure industry, where customer lifestyles and d emands for service are extremely diverse, lack of organisational controls might lead to negative brand word-of-mouth or provide customers with a less-organised service experience that can ultimately lead to lost profitability and diminished customer loyalty. The question is then asked as to whether a relaxed corporate culture can be effective in this industry where emotions and psychological behaviours drive the majority of customer decision-making. Are there advantages, in this dynamic industry, in having a relaxed culture? Literature Review Decentralisation of business is designed to give more insight to employees and help them become more motivated by giving them autonomy and developing them as decision makers in the business. It is often the foundation of the relaxed corporate culture where controls are minimal. This section describes advantages and disadvantages, potentially, of the relaxed corporate culture. Companies with a relaxed culture that focuses on individual self-expr ession and job role autonomy often have a strong human resources focus that helps build more team methodology and improvement of communications and social networking with diverse employee groups. According to Chow (2009) people who work in organisations that have a wide social network filled with influential peer and management relationship are able to develop trust, respect and seem to perform better than those who cannot draw on social networks in a more controlled environment. The nature of the service delivery concept in travel leisure businesses demands a team philosophy to ensure that customers receive an optimized service experience and improve the reputation of the hospitality company. It would seem that focusing on more socialization in the organisation improves total group function and makes it a more collaborative organisation so as to provide customers with top notch service delivery. However, there are those in the business environment that would disagree, suggesting th at there are more important dimensions than simply giving workers more autonomy and decision-making control in order to be successful. Phipps & Burbach (2010) identify that in order to achieve the organisation’
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Law business organisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1
Law business organisation - Essay Example ?                                                                                                 2   The section 33 (a) of Insolvency Act 1986 state s that a liquidator is appointed, probably by court, to handle some issues concerning the company. These issues include but are not restricted to: (i) settling all past financial obligations (contracts and debts) the company has incurred before the liquidation; (ii) holding regular meetings with the creditors with the hope of providing them the latest information about the company’s progress; (iii) and, continuing the company’s business activities (s. 134 (5)).           The liquidator is not expected to be concerned with any financial obligation or contract any of the three plumbers, namely Charlie, Edwin, and Adam may have had before the company was formed on May 1. In other words, Plumbers Mate Ltd should not bother the liquidator to pay for the services offered to Adam before the company was established. This realization absolves the liquidator of any financial payment to Plumbers Mate Ltd, and Adam should be duly informed to pay up his debt with the Plumbers Mate Ltd.  Although, it is not indicated in the scenario that the service bought by Adam was later reverted to Plumbers Express Ltdâ€â€the new                                                                                                                                     3        There is no record in the scenario that Plumber Express Ltd borrowed money directly from any bank or financial institution, but the donation of a building worth 200,000 pound by Charlie and Edwin buying a computer and printer from Computer Galore Ltd could be debited against the company. Hence, the liquidator should see
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Existence of God Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Existence of God - Essay Example I feel that this argument is the strongest because it is the one that is seen most often, especially in a religious setting. It is something that is entirely based off of faith; it is the one argument does not require evidence for a person to believe that such a thing as God does exist, which, in my opinion, makes it one of the strongest arguments. Many people believe that God is not something that should be, but needs to be. They can find no other evidence to support the creation of the universe, of humans, or of anything else that is upon this Earth. They are unable to explain what they believe to be miracles, nor do they fully understand why some things happen and others do not. Yet, while they can find no solid, concrete evidence for the existence of God, they still believe that, based on intuition and reason, God does, in fact, exist, and he is the being behind the aforementioned events. One of the reasons that I feel that this is the strongest argument is because there are so many people out there that are ready to stand up for this belief, regardless of the fact that they have nothing solid to prove for it. This act is known as faith; in this case, I believe that faith can replace the lack of evidence, even if faith is not something that can be seen or felt, though it is capable of being witnessed by others when someone believes strong enough. I am one of those people that believe the only evidence needed to prove the existence of God is the intuitive feeling of a person; if someone did not believe that something or someone existed, like God, then they would not feel it and they would leave that argument and position alone. However, if they feel so strongly about something that can yield no proof, then I think that that is all the proof that is needed. That is what faith is - acting on something because you believe it, because you feel that there is no other way or no other explanations for some
Friday, July 26, 2019
Beta thalassaemia major Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Beta thalassaemia major - Essay Example This classification is based on the type of globin chain (alpha or beta) which is affected. This clearly indicates that hemoglobin structure is central to the pathology of thalassaemia. Beta thalassaemia or Cooley's anemia as it is called refers to decreased beta chain production and hence deficits in hemoglobin due to defects in the gene forming the chain Hemoglobin (Hb) is protein responsible for oxygen carrying in the body. It is made of four peptide chains, two alpha or a chains and two beta or b chains. Hemoglobin synthesis is controlled by genes which are switched on and off at different phases in the human life (beginning at the embryonic stage). Gamma genes regulate formation of fetal hemoglobin, which is switched to beta genes postnatally. It is about the 9th gestational week that the transcription switch from g chain to b chain production starts. Normally fetal hemoglobin synthesis declines gradually during this time but continues until 9 months of age. It is at about the 9th month after birth that the switch is completed.(Sarnaik 2005). This beta gene therein controls beta chain production in adults. In patients suffering from beta thalassaemia, there is a switch from a normal gamma-globin gene, in the fetus to an abnormal beta-globin gene, in the adult. (Blau 1994). ... tations have been described so far) Beta-thalassaemia major is hence a result of transmission of the mutated form of beta-globin gene from both parents, to the offspring. This results in inheritance of both defected form of the gene and has severe clinical manifestations for the patient. Clinical features and abnormalities As has been described above, beta thalassemia major refers to a decreased production of beta globin chains which are required for formation of normal haemoglobin in the blood. This results in decreased levels of normal haemoglobin(A) in the body. Interestingly there are evidences of increased levels of fetal (F) and abnormal haemoglobin (A2). Recent studies established that this abnormal increase in other Hb forms was due to production of excess of alpha chains, some of which are consequently utilized to synthesize hemoglobins which do not require beta chains, such as hemoglobin F (a2 g2) or hemoglobin A2 (a2 d2) and hence the elevated levels of such hemoglobins! (Perrimond 2001). Clinically this is very relevant as it leads to excessively reduced RBC life, this is primarily due to precipitation of free alpha chains on the RBCs. Other clinical features are is extremely severe hypochromic anemia as a result of ineffective erythropoesis. There is also significant decrease in hemoglobin content per cell and microcytosis. In order to compensate for this the body attempts to increase the red cellproduction. This results in increase marrow cavities and 'extramedullary erythropoeisis' in the liver and spleen. The consequences of such endeavours may result in hepatosplenomegaly, bone defects and much discomfort (pain) in patients. In children, there is high incidence of growth deficit, cardiac problems and jaundice (due to excessive break down of red
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Comparison-Contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Comparison-Contrast - Essay Example Traditionally, husband serves as the bread-earner for the family while the wife manages the household. In the contemporary age, both may be working partners and yet fulfill their respective responsibilities with respect to home. Cohabitation, on the other hand, does not associate any responsibility to any partner because it has no religious or social significance. Just like an individual is not lawfully responsible for a stranger’s needs in the society, a partner living with another does not have to earn for him/her. Marriage is a much more stable relationship as compared to cohabitation. This is because in marriage, the contract between the two partners is publicly announced and the two have to respect religious teachings regarding marriage. Therefore, married people think a million times before proceeding towards a divorce. Cohabitation is not made with any announcement and most religions deny the followers right to make love in a relationship without marriage. So the cohabiting partners do not really have any solid reason to be together and they may part ways any time. From a religious perspective, marriage is a noble thing to do while cohabitation is an evil thing to do. When marital partners make love, there is no accountability in the religion for their act. Instead, the religion appreciates their intimacy and promotion of love. On the other hand, when two cohabiting people make love, they practice adultery and commit a heinous sin. They invite God’s wrath and will be held accountable for their act in the world hereafter. Children born to married parents are happier and more contented psychologically as compared to children born to cohabiting parents. Children of married parents can confidently introduce themselves to the society and associate openly with their parents. They derive their confidence from the fact that their parents are living together in a marital contract that is not only lawfully approved but is also
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Public Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4
Public Relations - Essay Example The advantage of magazines is that the public can read the information passed at their convenience time. The disadvantage of magazines as a type of media is most people are not in a position to access the magazines because they are expensive to purchase. This is a type of media where the public relations practitioner uses a media where audio is transmitted in audios devices only, for example, radio. The advantage of audio media is that it reaches many people at the same time. The disadvantage being that at the time of broadcasting some of the public may not get the information passed (Graham & Monteith, 2011). These are small materials produced to pass information to the public. They are small informative documents that are mostly folded. An advantage of a brochure to the public relations practitioner is that they deliver more information than other types. The disadvantage of a brochure is that they require written and visual literacy. It is an audio-visual type of media where a public practitioner uses to reach the public and also entertain them too. An advantage being that it helps create awareness generates interest and excitement. A disadvantage being that they are expensive to advertise on (Sandra, 2007). This is a type of media where several web pages are created to form a website. It is only accessible on the internet. An organization creates a website and the public relations practitioner keeps posting information on it for the public to the reader when they access it.
Interesting Facts about Mexico Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Interesting Facts about Mexico - Research Paper Example A series of measures were put in place in the late 1980s and early 1990s by the Mexican administration geared towards market liberation. Initially, Mexico had adopted protectionist market policies in order to boost industrial growth and home economy; however, these policies did not achieve the expected results. In the 1980s, Mexico faced inflation and there was a decline in the living standards. The country experienced a number of economic challenges in the 1982 debt crisis in which it was unable to meet its foreign debt payment obligations. The government addressed these challenges by privatizing government-owned industries and the journey to liberalization began (CRS 12). The country liberalized foreign market and investment by signing the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the (NAFTA) North American Free Trade Agreement which saw the privatization of nearly 1000 state enterprises, including the banking sector which had been state-owned since the crisis of 1982 (Hanson 2). These reforms in the initial stages attracted a substantial amount of foreign private investments until 1993 when the foreign capital inflow started to go down. By the close of the year 1994, Mexico had currency crisis leaving the government with no option, but to ditch the fixed exchange rate and replace it with a floating exchange rate policy. The result of this was that Mexico’s currency went down by about 50% within a period of six months, leading the country to deep recession. The currency (Peso) was floated because there was overspending in the economy which generated a substantial currency deficit, the government had no sufficient reserves yet it had accumulated high levels of debt, and the banking system was overexposed. After 1994 devaluation, President Ernesto Zedillo of Mexico took several measures to restructure the economy and reduce the effects of the currency crisis on the disadvantaged sectors of the economy. The main aim here was to create conditions for econ omic growth and adjust the economy within a short span of time. The IMF and the United States came to the aid of the government pooling together a financial support of 50 billion dollars. The Zedillo Administration adopted tighter monetary and fiscal policies to counter inflation and cushion some costs of the crisis in the banking sector. The plan entailed an increase in the VAT, cutting down budgets, increase in the price of gasoline and electricity and the decrease in government subsidies. The peso depreciation through the end of the 1990s led to increasing in exports and was of benefit to the export sector. However, the devaluation, on the other hand, reduced the real income hurting the poor and the emerging middle class. The signing of the NAFTA and shift of the Mexican economy to export based aided to neutralize the impacts of the Peso devaluation. President Ernesto Zedillo administration and that of his successor, President Vicente Fox, carried on with market liberalization, p rivatization of government enterprises, and economic deregulation. Through these tighter monetary and fiscal measures, these administrations were able to lower down fiscal deficit, bring inflation under control, and spur economic growth. Current Economic Situation The Mexican economic growth was 3.9% in the year 2011 and is projected to grow by 3.7% in the year 2012 and 3.8% in the year 2013.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Not decided yet.. Read the instruction.. kindly decide the topic Research Paper
Not decided yet.. Read the instruction.. kindly decide the topic - Research Paper Example The water becomes unsafe for human and animal consumption. Both human, animals and plants may die off because of water pollution. In addition, environmental degradation affects the quality of air. The air is mostly polluted by industrial emissions of carbon and sulfur compounds that may be toxic for both plants and animals. The issue of environment features in every government debate and election campaigns. It shows that the Americans take the environment issue seriously. In fact, the American electorate can shift towards favoring any candidate that is conscious about the environment. The people of the United States contribute a lot of resources towards cleaning the environment and enforcing of environmental policies. As such, the United States has seen a reduction in environmental pollution. However, the increasing economic growth is still taking a toll on the environment. The United States economy experienced massive industrialization in the 19th century. People realized the importance of natural resources that were in abundance. As a result, people cleared forests and grasslands for agricultural and industrial use. The environment was heavily degraded as the exploitation of resources continued. Clearing forests, cultivation in the prairies and hunting of exotic animals called for action to protect the environment. The resultant issues arose public consciousness into the impact of extraction and manufacturing activities on the environment. The successive governments have tried to overcome the problem by making environmental policies. The government of the day has revamped its efforts to combat the causes and the effects of environment degradation at the national level, state level and local level. Some of the elements in the United States environmental policies include; increased budgetary allocation towards the
Monday, July 22, 2019
Critiquing and changing the world through critical theory in traditional and critical theory an essay by max horkheimer Essay Example for Free
Critiquing and changing the world through critical theory in traditional and critical theory an essay by max horkheimer Essay Critical theory is directed towards both critiquing and changing the world, instead of merely explaining and interpreting it. The term critical theory was coined by Max Horkheimer in his essay â€Å"Traditional and Critical Theory†(1937). By nature, it is radical, emancipatory and highly democratic in nature; historically specific but ever-changing. Even preceding Horkheimer, Karl Marx also contributed to critical theory affirming that â€Å"philosophers have only interpreted the world in certain ways; the point is to change it†(Theses on Feuerbach). Ontologically, the nature of the world is intrinsically one with diametrically opposed dichotomies of power and built-in disadvantaging imbalances and covert, oppressive structures. Horkeimer affirms that critical theory’s primary objective is â€Å"to liberate human beings from the circumstances that enslave them†(Horkheimer 1982, 244). Freedom is derived at the epistemic level for knowledge is power (arming the oppressed with weapons to conduct revolution against dominant orders of society, merging theory and action, instigating change in living conditions merges theory and action and align itself to working against diverse dominant orders of society).  It appreciates the lived experiences of people and interprets actions and symbols of society to understand social oppression. Methodologically, critical theory is pluralistic especially as a result of several socio-economic and political shifts brought about by globalisation. Consequently, several genres of critical theory have emerged, for example racial, post-colonial and feminist. Feminism is any socio-economic, political and cultural movement aimed at reforming society through equal rights and protections on behalf of the woman. Mainstream feminism embraces the legality of the woman as an independent individual, promoting full participation, inclusion and integration to enjoy its rights, responsibilities and privileges. The improvement of the woman’s social condition in civil life hinges on progressivism in where public policies are the catalysts for positive social change and where she would be emancipated and empowered. Feminism is convinced of the positive potential of woman and the benefits which would redound to the larger society through her empowerment. â€Å"Feminism is about the social transformation of gender relations†(Calas 2009). Feminism is virulently opposed to female subjugation, subservience and misogynist injustices – setting about to liberate the woman from inhibiting traditions and status quos that tend to undermine the validation of her personhood. Generally, feminists support gender equality where both sexes can avail themselves of the same opportunities in both the domestic and public realms. No longer is a woman an inferior or weaker sex. She is an equal. Feminism also perceives the world through gendered lenses, discerns male predominance through patriarchal structures and militates against it. An inexhaustible list of variations exists within feminism, for example liberal feminism clamours for women’s equality, public rights and inclusion in decision-making and discourse. Radical feminism demands a complete and fundamental restructuring and redefining of the world’s institutions, systems and human experience to supersede the male-oriented ones. Marxist feminism concentrates on capitalism as the root cause of female oppression especially in the labour market where men possess more capital and economic privilege. Eco-feminism, Separatist feminism, Post-modern feminism, Third-world feminism, Psychoanalytic feminism, Postcolonial feminism and Amazon feminism among others constitute other types of feminism. Battle of the Sexes (Feminism vs. Machoism) The polarization of men and women forms part and parcel in the perpetual battle of the sexes preoccupied with who should be more privileged in society’s assigned gender roles. The battle of the sexes is predicated on female identity, autonomy, oppression, disempowerment which all reflects the†¦.Feminism frames a discourse that attempts to challenge a longstanding male supremacy. In the past, man held a monopoly over discourse because of unequal structures (domestic/family, business, labour, education, religion and government) which dictated to the woman. In feminist critical theory, â€Å"universal criteria are not value-free, but (based) upon male norms†(May 2001). Owing to male preponderance, discourse would position the male at the centre so that one sees the male â€Å"Self†as the one who prevails whereas the female â€Å"Other†is relegated to the fringes of society. In the battle, machoism seeks to continue the promulgation of a male-based pe rspective in ideas, structures, and institutions that cement his control in society. The masculine voice overpowers and represses the woman. Consequently, â€Å"the answer is †¦ to move away from (the) male-centred perspective and place women at its centre†(May 2001) effectively questioning the legitimacy of and ousting patriarchal tradition. A Gendered View Feminist theory concentrates on the trajectories of women growing to assert themselves and rise above male oppression, inferiority, sexual abuse and gendered stereotyping. Like men, women have the right to autonomy so she must break the yoke of oppression, repression and suppression. Critical theory is hinged on the ideals of the woman as one who has been unduly victimized and oppressed by the patriarchy. This gender-centred philosophy contends with deep-rooted, sexist prejudice against the woman. It presupposes that phallocentric sexism is still in wide currency, discriminating and denying equality to the woman. Legitimized patriarchy in a world system permitted gross inhumanities and injustices to flourish against the woman, termed misogyny. Misogynist practices and policies physically and metaphorically rape the woman of her dignity and personhood. In the face of these indignities, feminists perform critical theory by privileging and empowering the woman. Feminist critical theory pinpoints societal double standards and hypocrisy so that the woman is obliged to abide by different rules inconsistent with fairness. Mainstream critical theory inherently privileges the man while disadvantaging the woman; therefore the feminist discourse stresses the loopholes in the patriarchal discourse that tends to discriminate and disempower the woman.  The double standard code of ethics governs the behaviour of the woman. Even in social research, feminists have succeeded in permeating the topic of double standard research so that â€Å"other forms of sexism in the design of a study may also lead to a double standard in data interpretation†(Eichler1999). Critical theory oriented by feminist principles prompts the question:  is this free from male-dominated standards or double standards: Are both sexes considered and privileged? These questions shed light into the validation of the woman where formerly she has been relegated to inferiority and even anonymity in discourse. Feminism gives birth to female empowerment, yet the discourse often cloaked in anonymity, passivity, obscurity, self-effacement and subjugation Gendered Critical Theory Feminism is committed to â€Å"reducing the unequal power in†¦ relationship†(Acker 1983). It holds that equalising power â€Å"will not be found in some stable orthodoxy but in an evolving dialogue†(DeVault 1999). The â€Å"the idea of objectivity and neutrality in the social sciences (instead)†¦taking the woman’s perspective†(Acker 1983). Despising the â€Å"positivistic objectivity or the reality of the social world as a system of distinct observable variables independent of the knower†(Acker 1983) is another quality of feminist-guided research†¦solidarity with experiences germane to women. Feminism blatantly reject â€Å"such tenets of mainstream social science as the objectivity and separation of researcher from what or whom is researched, the superiority of the researcher as expert†(Small 1995). The attrition of these differences demonstrates a unique equilibrium in social research. Feminism and the Sexual Discourse in I.R. Feminism in I.R. initiates the sexual discourse, boldly tackling topics of sexuality affecting women globally. Rape as a war crime, prostitution and sex slavery, female circumcision, sexual orientation, forms part of the uninhibited dialogue. Feminists aim to uncover the impact of culture on female sexual impressions and expression. In feminist discourse, the woman’s body is not objectified as a sex symbol but is dignified and even deified as it is liberated from social restraint. The politics of sexuality encapsulates various aspects of the woman owing to the links between gender and sexuality, linguistic usage and gender research inherently leaned on cultural interpretations of sex and sexuality†¦ thus the shifts in language and gender (Bucholtz 2004).
Sunday, July 21, 2019
The Formalist Approach To Analyzing Literature
The Formalist Approach To Analyzing Literature If meaning depends on the historical situation of the interpreter as Gadamer claims, formalists readings cannot totally eliminate subjectivity. Discuss the extent to which you agree with this statement. The Formalist approach to analyzing literature, even though obviously restrained in its critical ambitions has been opposed to subjectivist theories, formalism holds great influence in many academic fields/areas, one such area being the literatures. The formalists arent interested in the individual responses of readers of the feelings of poets and representations of reality, but are instead, its interest lies in artistic structure and form. They (formalists) want to turn literary critics into a science. One key or main factor in formalist theories is their object stance in criticizing works of literary art and their avid opposition to subjectivity viewing subjectivist theories as relativistic. Hans-Georg Gadamer in his book entitled EPZ Truth and Method, posited that meaning depended on the historical situation of the interpreter, using that statement as idk a guide is objectivity possible? Can one individual or individuals truly be objective in their interpretation on any work of ar t? Can formalist Readings totally eliminate subjectivity? (Sort this foolishness out!!!) Formalist critics such as Roman Jacobson and Boris Eichenbaum view literature as a form of verbal art , rather than as a reflection or reality or an expression of emotions (put that MLA stuff here) and add sumn too. This essay will seek to answer all the questions asked above (find a diff word) to decide if formalists readings can totally eliminate subjectivity and to discuss on the extent of which I agree with the statement as it relates to Gadamers claim, that formalist readings cannot totally eliminate subjectivity. To answer this question I will compare and contrast two completely opposed theoretical perspectives; Reader Response/Reception Theory and Formalist Criticism (in an attempt to show that the former is lacking). I agree with Gadamer in his claim that The Reader Response Theorist, focus on the reader or the audience instead of the text or form of work. Reader response Theory recognizes the reader as an active agent who imparts real existence to the work and completes its meaning through interpretation (change up dat) and add stuffs. (moving on) . they (Reader Response Theorist) believe in the reader brings meaning to a text, and that meaning lies in the author nor in the text, but in the readers mind, it is the ideal reader who is the true interpreter of a text to bring across its meaning. (sort out that). It is the reader who is able to get into the text and deciferits meaning, through re-reading and other strategies which as stated in Introduction To Theory and Critism, determine the shape of meaning, which thus is neither prior to nor independent of the act of interpretation. Now, with that said, our next step would be to figure out what interpretation is? (add or move) the Formalist Crit ics belive approach the concept of meaning in a compketely different manner , believing that to para-pharse a texts content inorder to achieve meaning is wrong. It is by the use of the affective fallacy and intentional fallacy, that the formalist critics/theorist forbid the reader from responding emotionally or responding to the intentions of the author, respectively. Interpretation is personal response, appreciation, critique, historical reception, exegesis, evaluation, and explication. Personal response and appreciation emphasize the intimate, casual, and subjective aspects. The New Critics approach meaning quite differently. Thcy warn against the heresy of paraphrase, emphasizjng that it is a mistake for a reader toparaphrase a works content in order to distill its propositional meaning. Textual paraphrases usually end up being moral or utilitarian statements, putting literature on a level and in competition with other disciplines such as philosophy, religion, or politicS. By invoking the affective fallacy and (sort this out..not your work)Æ’Â Upon reading Roland Barthes The Death of the Author, it seems like Barthes is sort of a bridge between Formalism and reader-response theory. He describes writing as the destruction of every voice, of every point of origin (1322). He is wary of the author, on which criticism centers: To give a text an Author is to impose a limit on that text, to furnish it with a final signified, to close the writing (1325). Barthes argues that the language speaks for itself; it has no origin. This seems very closely related to The Intentional Fallacy as delineated by Wimsatt and Beardsley, who argue that critics should not debate about or try to find the authors intention and should instead look at the form of a work for meaning. With the death of the author that Barthes proposes, the reader is born: The reader is the space on which all the quotations that make up writing are inscribed without any of them being lost; a texts unity lies not in its origin but in its destination (1326). The prominence of the reader, however, is not part of Formalism, but rather, reader-response theory. Thus, Barthes theory seems to form a bridge between the two approaches to a text. Like Wolfgang Iser in Interaction between Text and Reader, Barthes acknowledges the role of the reader while still focusing on the structure of a work. Indeed, the headnote to Barthes essays describes him as being in between structuralism and post-structuralism, and this is due to the great diversity of his works. His later works in some ways contradict or reconstruct the ideas posited by his earlier works. For instance, he later writes that the author exists, but not as an extra textual identity determining meaning; instead, the author is a text that can be read (1318). In addition, in another work Camera Lucida, Barthes contradicts his arguments about photography that he presented in Mythologies. In the earlier work, he described how photographs reveal a reality that is contrived, whereas in the later work, he writes that a photograph can tell us This has been (1319). I bring these two ideas up because they show the contradictions inherent in Barthes work and also because these are two subjects that I find interesting, having studied the body as text and the role of photographs in the poetry of Natasha Trethewey. With regard to Frankenstein, I guess I would then ask, what is the structure from which it is created? Barthes writes that The text is a tissue of quoataion drawn from the innumerable centres of culture (1324), and that the book itself is only a tissue of signs, an imitation that is lost, infinitely deferred (1325). What are the cultural signifiers that make up Frankenstein? What does the language (especially since we have three narrators) tell the reader?
The role of prostitution in urbanization
The role of prostitution in urbanization When it comes down to is this: the grocer, the butcher, the baker, the merchant, the landlord, the druggist, the liquor dealer, the policeman, the doctor, the city father and the politician these are the people who make money out of prostitution, these are the real reapers of the wages of sin. This quote fairly explains that prostitution has been always an integral part of urbanization. More our society has advanced on the path of new technology and fresh cultural values more it has pushed itself to the increasing complexities of life. These complexities have lead to more complicated crimes and violence in the society and have given a new dimension to urbanization. The concept of urbanization and urbanism is quite controversial and has been an issue of debate between prominent Social scientists and Anthropologists. According to Beals, the term urbanization basically refers to the kind of assimilation in which people develop their urban ways of life, while Kinglsey Davis argued this term can be used as an characteristic of a social system (EamesGoode,1977). Further it could be concluded that urbanization has also lead to the study of Urban Anthropology. Anthropologists who were basically interested in study of natives and civilizations in the remote parts of the world shifted their attention to the new dynamics of city lives and the problems related to it (Basham,1978). This shift made the anthropologist to focus more on the unit of urban culture i.e. city. From 20th century onwards cities and its different social systems have been in prime focus of the Anthropologists (Wirth,1938).Definition of City as a whole became a topic of discussion and extensive debates. Wirth cited In the rich literature on the city we look in vain for a theory of urbanism presenting in a systematic fashion the available knowledge concerning the city as a social entity.(Wirth,1938:70). In his theory of urbanism, Wirth also talks about problems and dangers of a city life and how the amalgamation of different social relations and stratus have given rise to the em ergence of crime and violence. Prostitution is also claimed as illegal in different cities of the world though there is a much debate about whether prostitution can be really called as a crime or not (Sithannan,2006). Street prostitution and brothels are largely urban phenomena that are especially widespread in cities with large migrant male population.(Basham,1978:153). Many few countries of the world including India have adopted prostitution as legal. In India there is a huge flow of rural migrants to cities which has lead to lot of urban problems in cities(Singh,1997). Due to this huge rural migration most of the jobs are taken by men, while women are left with no choice but to adopt prostitution as their means of profession (Basham,1978). Cities of India have a huge number of female populations who are following prostitution as their profession. Hectic jobs and glamorous corporate life styles one of the basic features of urbanization has lead to a kind of sex starvation among the urban population(Sithannan,200 6). This has brought the role of prostitutes into limelight and has increased their demand in the society. Prostitution in different cities of India from Early to Modern Prostitution as a business is flourishing in different cities of India. Mumbai, Kolkata, Pune, Banaras, New Delhi and Nagpur are hubs of prostitution in India(Mandelbaum,1970). It is noticed that prostitution as a trend in more favorable in Indian cities rather than in villages (Sithannan,2006). The fact which is quite interesting about Indian prostitution is that from ancient times India has been following a system of prostitution in cities(Sanger,2006). These early cities possess unique characteristics of themselves and cannot be compared to the modern cities of the world (Smith,n.d). These early cities were particularly known as Nagars and were the core units of the important kingdoms from where all the governmental and economic affairs were controlled and regulated. There was a concept of Nagar vadhus or city brides in these early cities of India (Singh,1997). They were basically prostitutes serving the common mans sexual need and desires while kings had their own personal harem. This explains that prostitution as a phenomenon has also been a regular feature in the ancient cities of India. According to Arthashastra a famous ancient Indian manuscript a code of law was laid down on the prostitutes for their proper conduct in public(Sithannan,2006).This proves that prostitution in early cities was controlled and regulated by a proper system of law. Women in early cities of India had no rights on themselves and were basically considered the property of men (Sithannan,2006). Prostitutes acted as gifts of negotiations between kings and nobles in ancient days(Sanger,2006). Even during the British colonization in India, cities such as Kolkata and Mumbai were hubs of prostitution(Levine,2003). Many Indian women were captured and pushed into this profession for the entertainment of British officials and military men (Sanger,2006). The capital city of Goa, Panaji was under Portuguese domination during this time and had a small community of Japanese girls who were basically captured during war and were forced to prostitution by Portuguese officials (Aronowitz,2001). Many historical documents mentions about the dancing girls and the practice of Devdasi i.e. divine prostitution which is still followed in different parts of the countries.(Singh,1997) Prostitution has been a common trait in both the ancient and modern cities of India and is increasing in number with time (Aronowitz,2001).The main reason behind this is basically poverty, social dogmas and different mental and physical oppression on women(Sithannan,2006). The growth of urbanization in modern cities such as New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Banaras had also increased different kinds of prostitution( Ringdal,1997,2004). According to a survey there are 2.4 million women in Mumbai alone who has adopted prostitution as their profession. Nowadays particular streets and places in the cities are best known for availability of prostitutes there(Sithannan,2006). Places such as Shivdaspur in Banaras, Kalighat in Kolkata, G.B road in New Delhi and Kamathipura in Mumbai are quite famous as red-light areas of India. Prostitution as a profession has become more popular in this cities due to various reason. Women who are not well educated and suffer from acute poverty, this profession provides lot of money to sustain. More over most of the children of these prostitutes are forced to become a prostitute(Mandelbaum,1970). A survey conducted by Human right students in the year 2001 came up with an interesting data which shows that 30% of women in India ado pt prostitution before age of sixteen and are sold to brothels by their parents or guardians for huge ransom of money. Most number of sexworkers can be found in major cities rather than in rural areas(Basham,1978). Cities have more huge market for sex industry. Prostitution in religious cities of India In India there are many cities which are categorized as being religious cities of India. Such cities are basically judged by their functional roles and provide as pilgrimage destinations for Indians(Sengupta,2004). The examples of such cities are Haridwar, Banaras, Tirupathi and Madurai. A different form of prostitution exists in these cities of India. Though these cities are quite conservative in nature but they still have prostitutes working undercover in the society. A very unique kind of prostitution that prevails in Banaras is the widow whose husband had died early and is pushed to state of acute poverty and starvation had no choice left but to adopt prostitution as the only way of surviving(Eck,1982). These activities were carried out in very secretive way. Another kind of prostitutes that existed were called devdasis or jogans who work in temples and generally known as servant of gods(Singh,1997). In an ancient Indian writing Mricchakatika we find a love story between a prostitute and a Brahmin who used to worship in temples. These divine prostitutes are subjected to lot of sexual exploitation by the priests and wealthy individuals of the community(Singh,1997). Though prostitution also existed in the traditional and religious cities of India it was still considered as evil by the people(Sanger,2006). Social and religious constraints are one of the important factors behind the rise of prostitution in these cities of India(Tripathy Pradhan 2003). Hinduism have always considered women as the property of her father or husband or her brother and this is the main reason when these women lose their father or husband o brother they become vulnerable to the society and fall prey to the dark world of prostitution. Prostitution is also the result of religious stigma attached to the Indian women.(Barry,1995) Culture of poverty a reason behind prostitution in Indian cities. Poverty is one of the important key factors behind prostitution which is sometimes also defined as urban crisis (Eames Goode,1977). Anthropologists have done an extensive work on the study of poverty as a culture of urbanization. Oscar Lewis was the first one who focused on the concept of poverty in cities and did a huge work on the culture of poverty(Eames Goode,1977).It is interesting to note that one of the basic trends of study of urban anthropology is to focus on the problems related to urban social life and find means to overcome it. This was argued by Gulick who believed that poverty is not only a important factor in cities but also play a major role in rural areas of the country(Eames Goode,1977).Lewis suggested that poverty is a kind of culture rather than a phenomenon, where people who become poor follow certain way of life and trends which they pass on from one generation to another generation(Lewis,1966). This statement of Lewis was vehemently argued by Judith Goode who believed that there is no such culture of poverty and justifying poverty in a cultural basis is completely unacceptable (Goode,n.d). According to modern anthropologists the study on poverty have not been very full proof because most of the scholars have concentrated themselves in studying the downtrodden segment of the society only, without concentrating much on the sources of the culture of poverty(Basham,1978). This has provided opportunity for the new urban anthropologists to focus more on the sources and reasons behind poverty and also work on other aspects of the society which are caused due to poverty such as crime and prostitution. Poverty has been a very big problem for Indian society and has given birth to lot of health problems and crimes in different cities of India(Basham,1978). Ethnographers has noticed through Participant observations in their research in India that slums in cities are hubs of most of the problems giving rise to gang culture and crimes. These slums ha ve very low income rates, low hygiene and lower rate of education(Eames Goode,1977). It can be very well concluded that illiteracy and poverty together is giving rise to prostitution in different parts of the country. The differences of social status between people in cities are huge and it is this competition for survival that forces women and children to follow the path of prostitution(Barry,1979). This has also lead to a rise in huge number of sex transmitted diseases such as HIV(aids) among people. Many Non Governmental Organizations are working for the betterment of the health of sex workers in the cities and educating them more about the consequences of uncontrolled sex and measures to prevent it(Tripathy Pradhan 2003). Types of prostitution in Indian cities There are different kinds of prostitution that are prevalent in Indian cities. Some examples of this is the custom of Tawaif who are basically singers and dancers but are compelled to sexual activities for entertainment of their customers. There are also Call girls and Bar dancers and singers who fulfills sexual needs of their clients. Brothels in India are generally restricted to certain parts of the cities(Sithannan,2006). Interestingly enough brothels are considered illegal in India while there are not enough measures taken by the government officials to eradicate them(Mandelbaum,1970). This is due to abundance of political corruption which is basic traits of modern cities in India. City is considered as the birth place of political corruption (Basham,1978). Another traditional form of prostitution that had existed in Indian cities from old times is the system of Devdasi(Singh,1997). Many scholars have talked about a period in India where devdasi cult existed for a long time and was quite prominent with the people of Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. According to this system girls from some selected and chosen families were donated to the temples of the Hindu gods where they used to serve as maids to the priests and powerful men of the community(Tripathy Pradhan 2003). They also provided them with sexual pleasure in the time of need. In return their families received social prestige and lots of money from these priests and powerful dignitaries. In modern India this system of devdasi has been abolished by the government though it still exists in the prominent cities of Karnataka(Tripathy Pradhan 2003). Poor families still donate their girls to temple in return of good ransom of money. These girls who are proclaimed as devdasis or servants of god are not allowed to get married throughout their lives. This form of Prostitution is actually known as Divine prostitution by many cultures around the world(Singh,1997). Human trafficking and Flesh trade is a major issue that India is facing today(Sithannan,2006). Due to huge form of Human trafficking in important cities of India there has been a growth of new kind of prostitution in India. India is surrounded by some of the countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan who are economically quite backward. Due to which there is a heavy flow of illegal migrants from these countries to the major cities of India. Huge number of women and children are allured and exported from these countries to India in exchange of lot of money. Later they are forced in prostitution by the dealers who have exported them from other countries. This whole system is operated by organized criminal group who benefit a lot out of this exchange and has turned this into an international business. International trafficking is a major issue throughout the world and India is trying its best to curb the problem by improving border securities and keeping check on the immig ration system.(Barry,1995) Another kind of trafficking that is also quite prominent in Indian cities is internal trafficking. In this form of trafficking women and children from the rural areas and poor parts of the country are allured with attractive job offers or kidnapped by men dealing in this kind of trafficking business and send to the cities for becoming prostitutes(Ringdal,1997,2004). In many cases it is also seen that the relatives or family of the girl sell her to these dealers in exchange of good amount of money. Most of the prostitutes in Indian cities who have been interviewed have confessed that they were forced and compelled to prostitution by their families and relatives due to extreme economic deprivation. City is always considered as the point of attraction for the rural people(Basham,1978). Urban ways and rich life styles have always fascinated the dreams of poor peasant girls in the poor villages of India which has been glorified with the colorful Bollywood movies. Many young girls in villages see the dreams to become actresses and come to cities in search of fame and get trapped in the nasty world of prostitution. In recent times a glamorous form of prostitution is taking the centre stage of attraction in rich cities of India like Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Delhi(Sithannan,2006). This kind of prostitution is chosen by girls of middle class families who take up this profession as an easy means to earn a lot of money. Generally these girls t are quite educated in nature and act as escorts to big corporate professionals. One of the basic reasons behind the rise of this kind of prostitution is the corporate life style of men in these cities where they are separated from their spouse and partners for a long span of time which results in the growth of sex starvation among these men(Barry,1995). This thirst for physical needs become more prominent with huge pressure in work and lonely lifestyle which is ultimately quenched by these high profile prostitutes. Of late India is facing huge problem of child prostitution in the cities where it is estimated that more than four lakh children in major cities of india are following prostitution as their profession(Tripathy Pradhan 2003). Kolkata, Mumbai and Pune are hubs of child prostitution in India. This kind of prostitution has become very popular among men in cities who are scared of sexual transmitted diseases and prefer virgins instead of older ones and also because they are cheaper. One of the basic push factors that make these children follow this profession is poverty. Many families in India sell their girl child to temples and brokers in exchange of good sum of money(Tripathy Pradhan 2003). It is also noticed that 99% of girl children of prostitutes follows the profession of their mother. It is sad that how these children of prostitutes take prostitution as their hereditary profession. Mumbai city which has the most number of child prostitutes brought from Nepal. Child prostitution i s a menace to Indian culture and society and is the worst form of child abuse and sexual exploitation(Barry,1995) Male prostitution is also getting prominence in recent times in particular cities of India such as Delhi and Mumbai (Mandelbaum,1970). Though homosexuality is not a crime in India anymore but male prostitution is not so much accepted among common people in India. It is may be due to that stigma which is attached to the concept of masculinity and manhood. Due to which male prostitutes in India face more criticism and harassments from the masses rather than his female counterparts. This kind of prostitution is generally concentrated in big cities of India and is not very popular with the rural parts of the country(Mandelbaum,1970). Urbanization has given birth to different kind of prostitution in India and it has grown more with time and space. It is observed that prostitutes generally have lot of resentments towards society as a whole and also towards their clients(Basham,1978) Prostitution as an Urban culture in India The term prostitution basically refers to an act of sexual intercourse which a woman or a man does in exchange of money(Sanger,2006). A person who does these acts is called prostitute or sex worker. Prostitution is generally known as a very old form of profession followed by women in every culture and civilization. Traces of prostitution have been found in the oldest civilizations of the world such Indus valley and Harappa(Sanger,2006). The oldest cities of India such Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro have remains of statues of dancing girl that were basically claimed as prostitutes by archeologist and social scientist. This proves that prostitution as a way of life has been practiced by the people of India from ancient times. Archeologists have proved that ancient cities such as Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro were typically urban in nature and followed a life style of cities. Referring prostitution as an urban culture is an issue of huge debate. Anthropologists have tried to explain the meaning of culture in different ways throughout the century. The word culture that has originated from the Latin word colere which basically means to cultivate.(Erisksen,1995,2001). As Eriksen(1995,2001:4) has cited: Culture refers to the acquired, cognitive and symbolic aspects of existence, whereas society refers to the social organization of human life, patterns of interaction and power relationships. The implication of this analytical distinction, which may seem bewildering, will eventually be evident. The concept of urban culture basically refers to the cultivated ways of urban life which literally means trends and customs which are passed on from one generation to another generation in cities and towns. Generally study of urban anthropology is basically referred as the study of city. There are many attempts to find a proper definition of city. Cities have been defined according to numerous criteria-among them relative size and population density, relation to surrounding territories, and occupational and role differentiation of their inhabitants -but no brief, single definition has been advanced that satisfies all scholars.(Basham,1978:49) Prostitution as an urban culture in India is accepted and challenged by many Indian scholars. All the data and documentaries have proven so far that prostitution has been a part of early cities and modern cities in India. Prostitution is one of the oldest forms of urban trends in cities that have been passed on from one generation to another (Levine,2003). It is very interesting to note that children of these prostitutes tend to become prostitutes too. It is a kind of urban culture that has been always present with the realms of city.(Sanger,2006). The view of prostitution as an urban culture is not extensively defined by anthropologists. It is very hard to say that prostitution is the consequence of urbanization or prostitution has always been a part of urbanization(Basham,1978). Almost 73% of the sexworkers in India stay in city.(Sithannan,2006) The view of prostitution as an urban culture have been argued by many anthropologists who believe that prostitution is not a urban phenomenon alone and can be found in all the rural areas of India(Singh,1997). Considering prostitution as culture is not justifiable because this is not accepted and acknowledged by all the people of the city as a whole(Barry,1995). The view that has been presented against the view of prostitution as an urban culture basically advocated prostitution as a menace to society rather than a culture which everybody likes to follow. The most fascinating fact about prostitution is that though it is rejected and discarded by every section of society it has always existed as an integral part of the society. It is noticed that prostitutes bear lot of resentment against the society and people as a whole. They believe that it is the society who compels them to follow the profession and it is the society as a whole that humiliates them the most(Tripathy Pradhan,2003) . Prostitution as a necessary evil in the cities: In the western society prostitution is considered as a necessary evil which view is very much accepted in Indian cities as well. Ironically enough no religion and culture of India support prostitution but they try to give different names to it to justify their attitude towards prostitution such as Noshto Meye or the spoiled girl(Sithannan,2006). There are lots of families in cities who take the help of the prostitutes to act as surrogate mother to their child. There had been lot of official documents proving that couples who are unable to have a child take the help of a prostitute to bear their child for them in exchange of some money. Prostitutes are not only instrument of sex sale in the cities but also used as an instrument of womb sale(Barry,1995). According to Indian tradition men are considered polygamous by nature while women are considered monogamous(Singh,1997). From the cultural context Indian men think that they are more sexually driven than Indian women. This at an extent is used for justifying their attitude for having sex with more number of women rather than their wives, girlfriends or lovers. It is true that prostitutes can be also proclaimed as a savior to all those girls who are virgin and honest. Virginity before marriage is an important concept in India and if prostitution would not have existed then these honest and virgin girls would have fallen prey to these sex starved men.(Sithannan,2006). There would have been huge amount of rapes in every part of the country and women would not have been as safe as they are now in Indian cities. By fulfilling the sexual desires of these sex starved men prostitutes are actually saving the city from lot of hideous crimes that could have been committed if prostitution would not have existed. Prostitution is that kind of institution which is also teaching people to be aware of their health and consequences of uncontrolled sexual desires could be quite harmful for ones health(Levine,2003). Moreover destitute girls and infants who are left over on streets of the city and have to face daily humiliations from the city dwellers as well as police recourse themselves to this profession of prostitution. It not only provides them with food but also provides those shelters and power to earn money(Tripathy Pradhan,2003). In such circumstances prostitution becomes a good means to have good life and earn a good amount of money. Conclusion In this essay I have tried to talk about prostitution and prostitutes in the context of cities in India. There are different kinds of prostitution in India which has been part of Indian culture from time immemorial now. Indian tradition has always supported prostitution indirectly through different forms of prostitution such as divine prostitutions like devadasi and jogans. Prostitution in different ways has entered the core of city life in India and is increasing with time. I had also focused elaborately about the prostitution that exists in different religious cities of India. I really believe that prostitution in cities is not bad or harmful if it is controlled and checked properly by the government and proper measures are adopted against any economic exploitation of these prostitutes. It is noticed that most of these prostitutes staying in city brothels are economically indebt to the owner of the brothel for food clothing and shelter they get from the brothel owners which they sometimes are not able to pay back throughout their lives. Major reason behind this is prostitutes who work in brothels in these big cities are basically underpaid and are in constant economic crisis. It is also true that the most of the prostitutes in these brothels are suffering from sex transmitted diseases. According to some official records it has also been proven that sexual harassments by police and some inconsiderate government officials on girls who live on streets of these cities have also given rise to prostitution in India. It is a shame that how policemen who are employed by the government for the security of men and women of the city becomes the sexual exploiters themselves. As a woman the fact that haunts me is that human trafficking is becoming major issue throughout the world and Indian cities are targeted for these kinds of illegal migrations and dealings on the flesh trade. Major Indian cities are also witnessing huge amount of corruption which has reached in the inner roots of the society and is helping in the development of new form of crimes in the society and is also adding fuel to the organized crime in cities. Rural migration in cities is increasing more number of prostitution in India. Poor villagers see city as the place where all their dreams of luxury and happy life will come true and this lead them to city in search of jobs and fame. Mumbai film industry is very reputed throughout the world and is known as the famous Bollywood, it is also due to this reason that Mumbai is known as the city of dreams by many people. Many girls from villages come to this city everyday in search of fame in Bollywood and get trapped in the dark rooms of brothels. In ancient times women were treated as commodity in India. She was the treasured property of her father before marriage and belonged to her husband after marriage. This cultural concept still exists in many parts of India and plays a big role in determining womens position in the modern society. It is this cultural and social doctrine that sometimes becomes the main reason behind prostitution. The most interesting fact about prostitution is that though people like to call it as an evil it has still being accepted by every parts of the society and by every culture of the world. The facts that prostitution is really a necessary evil for urban life is accepted my many scholars around the world and I too believe that prostitution really play a very important social role in our community. In this essay I have tried to draw attention to the fact that many urban anthropologists have also tried to look, which is basically considering prostitution as part of urban culture. The amalgamation of urban culture and prostitution is quite interesting and can provide a good framework for detailed urban research in future. Though there are challenges which should not be neglected but considering prostitution as a culture in urban context can open a new dimension of study in urban anthropology. Lastly I have tried to define and analyze prostitution in the context of Indian cities alone and have generally focused on prostitution in India. Prostitution in other cities of the world still remains much of a mystery and gives place where urban ethnographers can try to have their future research. In this essay I had tried to introduce my academic audiences with the different prostitutions in Indian cities and their links to Indian culture and history with little bit glimpses of social problems that exist in the cities of India such as poverty and corruption.I have also tried to explain the inherent concept on prostitution by society as whole an and had also tried to justify reason behind such notions. Altogether I have dealt prostitution as an urban phenomenon and how it had affected the city and its attributes in India throughout the century. The future of Prostitution in India The future of prostitution in Indian cities according to me can be quite good if they are kept under good check by the government and if some moral duties and rights are imposed on the prostitutes making them aware of the social and moral values so that they dont act as an instrument responsible for broken marriages and families. Moreover I believe that Indian government should start working more effectively in curbing political corruption and poverty around the country which have given birth too many other social problems in the society.
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