Monday, January 27, 2020
The Soul Can Not Be Replaced
The Soul Can Not Be Replaced Yes, he is the same person in the earth. I would say that Stelios has same soul even his body was replaced by clone. Some philosophers to conclude that what makes a person remain the same person over time is not the body. Instead, there is something in the body-as immaterial soul or mind-that remains the same even as the body changes. Because a person is a nonmaterial mind or soul, the person can continue to exist after the body dies. Once you have consciousness, you will get your soul. We can imagine someone waking up with a different body, as in the thought experiments where a mind is put in a new body; we say the body is now the person whose mind was transferred, not the person whose body was used. In such cases, the mind has been transferred to a different body, and because the person is the mind, the person merely has a different body. So bodily does not make someone the same person over time. Even our brain and body cells were destroyed. It is supposed to live on after death, s o it will come back, the soul is an image of your physical self that contains your body, and is shaped by your actions. Death is only the loss of the physical self. We can refill the soul with physical matter. Our consciousness was being continued as myself (in my image of reality) comes out on Mars with the same consciousness as we had on Earth. The person that dies doesnt realize it, and as far as he knows, we are the same person but he doesnt feel anything nor exists as anything but a concept. I believed that the soul makes a person remain the same person as time passes .The traditional western view such as Descartes says that each living human body is a soul. This soul is not made out of physical stuff like the body. Instead, the soul is immaterial or spiritual. This soul, in fact, is the self: the me who live inside my body. This soul remains the same as the body changes. Yet as long as the soul remains in my body, I remain the same person. When we were born, for example, we were only one and a half feet tall, skinny, have hair over many parts of our body. But we remain the same person as we go through our lives, though we may change in many small and many large and dramatic ways. This is because we have an immaterial soul in our body. When we were born, we knew nothing. Now we are brilliant. Yet for all these changes, we are still the same person. Part B: What does it mean to be human? We are just animals and that our existence is merely a by-product of purposeless natural causes. We have no our own nature thought free, responsible choices and actions. And as humans are merely a species of animal, we have no intrinsic value. We are human without soul and thinking. Our self in a world where most people are poor, desperate and uneducated, where epidemic disease and famine are regular occurrences. There is no police protection, and as a consequence every man is armed and carries a chip on his shoulder called honor. alcohol and narcotics are freely available to anyone of any age. Dosing your child with laudanum was deemed laudable. men, women, and children working without health insurance, unemployment compensation, safety in the workplace, and with a status a notch above slavery. Unwanted children regularly abandonedsome mercifully to poor houses and orphanages, others left exposed to die. Infant abandonment is rare enough these days to make the front pageback then it was an everyday occurrence. Even if the child was wanted, there would be a good chance that it would not have a mother as she may have died in childbirth or from subsequent bleeding, injuries or infections. Abortion being practiced with little if any government regulation, and what few anti-abortion laws there are being largely unenforced. Imagine due to lack of birth control many women suffering on a yearly basis both the risks of childbirth and its pains (without anesthesia, antiseptics, nor surgical intervention) until either their ability to bear children fails, or they do. And, due to her place in society she has no say on getting pregnant in the first place. Freezing in the winter because there is no really good way of heating a home even if you can afford and obtain the fuel or even have a roof over your head to heat. For such little heat, the air is choked with the fumes of coal and wood. There is no God to determine our nature, so humans have no purpose or nature except the one they make themselves. We are free and fully responsible for what we are; knowing this causes anguish. We are free because we can rely neither on a God nor on society to justify our actions or tell us what we essentially are. We are condemned because, without fixed purpose or a guideline, we must suffer the anguish of our won decision making and accept responsibility for its consequences. This freedom consists of chiefly of our ability to envision additional possibilities for our condition, to conceive of what is not the case, to suspend judgment, and to alter our condition. Therefore, we should make a individual choices, fully aware that we are doing so. We must take full responsibility not only for our actions but also for our beliefs, feelings, and attitudes. Part C: Strange New World This activity and The Matrix have popularized the idea that we may be living in a virtual reality. In The Matrix, people think they are living in a modern city, but they are really bodies stored in vats, wired to a central computer that immerses them in a world of illusion. Yes, we might really do suspect that this world and our lives within it are unreal and being controlled by a computer and not realize it. The world we create is what happens when our program is run on the computer. The world we create is what happens when the computer responds to our messages, when our messages take life through the magic of a central processing unit. As computer programmers, we are very conscious of the transience of our creations. We run our programs. Reality happens. And yet when we turn off our computers, the reality is gone. The physical traces of our program, the magnetic signals on our hard disk that we call a file, are not the reality. What resides on the hard disk not the world we created . The file on the disk is only the way that we freeze our messages so that, at another time, we can issue our commands again without the need of typing them over. Our programs are a reality that happens in response to our commands. When our commands are given, a reality comes into being, only to disappear into nothingness when the computer is turned off, or even when we exit our program. This world is an illusion created by something else, and perhaps our consciousness also comes from something else. We dont know what that something else is, but we can simply call it Ground Reality. I will explore the hypothesis that the world is an illusory construct of a Ground Reality that includes our consciousness. Computer generated virtual reality provides a metaphor that helps us think about this hypothesis. Yes. I would tell I wasnt in a perfect virtual reality machine. No, I cant be sure Im awake. No, I cant be sure Im not inside the Matrix. Yes, its an empty possibility. I believe that there is a reality independent of my experience, but that we can never be sure that we know what it is. We can never be sure that were not living in the Matrix, but if we are, then what we experience is not real. You selected the skeptic response References
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Online Shopping
Since the rise and popularization of internet, many websites provide a platform for purchasing things online. These store Apps are designed to assist the user in purchasing the things online while sitting at home and viewing a variety of products. Product categories that are typically targeted by such applications include products from every field of life. Our application will incorporate the effort of common people who have organic farming or the talent of making 100% organic things. The application will provide a platform to the sellers to sell their products with their own identity and price the products accordingly. Our designed platform will help the customers to buy the organic product regarding many fields of life. We will also deal in herbs and a wide range of herbal products will also be sold. Both seller and buyer would be able to communicate with each other using our platform. IntroductionIn history agriculture was done without the use of chemicals but now a day a huge amount of different type of chemicals are used in agriculture to grow things faster. It is causing harm to the environment. With increasing urbanization and modernization there has been an increase in prevalence of using inorganic products that contain harmful material and have several bad effects with some benefits as well. Globally, around 23% of adults aged 18 and over were not active enough in 2015 (men 20% and women 27%) due to inorganic farming. Inorganic farming is a key risk factor for most of the diseases now a day such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes and many more. Globally, 1 in 4 adults is the patient of multiple serious diseases. Considering the public health implications it is essential to promote Organic Farming in context of an individual's health and environment. The emerging popularity of Online shopping Apps has presented an interesting challenge to mobile application developers. Applications like these have the potential to motivate its users in saving time and money and breaking a trend of taking out time to go to market and waste so much time to look for product.With the help of our application we will target the common people effort and hard work. The feature that distinguishes our application from others is our target that is common people selling all products made of completely from organic thing not a single amount of chemical is added. We will describe the design, development, and evaluation of an app that will help people to buy products that are made of 100% organic things and of herbs. The common people hard work is targeted and has given a platform where they will buy and sell the organic products and easily get rid of many diseases. This chapter describes the background, problem definition, purpose, goals, scope, methodology and the limitations of this project.BACKGROUNDInorganic and chemically formulated products are significant public health problems worldwide with serious health consequences. Globally, 1 in 4 adults is not active enough due to many diseases. More than 80% of the Pakistan's population is insufficiently physically well. Moreover, Research approves that the causes of many new diseases is this Inorganic farming. But there are some people who work hard in organic farming and make 100% organic things but they don't have any specific platform to bring their talent in-front of the world. This creates a need of online shopping website that will help users to display their products so that the people who want to buy fully organic products could buy from here. Similarly it allows people to buy different products made organic things and herbs regarding different field of life. Moreover, people who don't know how to make organic things at home would be easily able to buy their required products with complete assurance of the products to be organic. Motivation and ScopeThe main motivation of this project is to provide a platform to both sellers and buyers to provide access to homemade things of several different kinds at one place of sellers to sell and buyers to buy.PROJECT SCOPEThe application will be designed to serve in all over Pakistan. Everyone can get benefit from our website irrespective of age and gender.Login- Only the authorized users will be able to access the system through proper log in.Product Category and Items- The admin will add organic items and herbs categories to the system. The seller will add different products to the selected category. The same information could be updated and deleted.View details- The buyer will be a ble to view details of the selected item.Shopping cart- The buyer will place order for more than 1 item and add this information to the cart. The buyer will also be able to modify the information in the shopping cart.Online shopping- The system will allow the user to place order for the selected items regarding his need.Cost calculation and payment- The system will calculate total cost of the item placed in the cart and provide payment options.Seller Profile- This module will allow the user to be registered as seller and will display their products on the platform given by using their own identity.Buyer Profile- This module will allow the user to be registered as a buyer and can view different items uploaded on the website and avail the opportunity of getting different offers and they don't need to give their complete information every time while placing order it would be stored in the system.Feedback- The system will allow the buyer to give their response about the product that the y have used. But only this option will be given to those who have purchased that particular item from the website. There will be no fake feedback.Search- It will be easy for the customer to search the products based on his interest. The search will be done on different categories like seller name, category, price etcRelated Work1.ConaturalSourcing solely the best and most strong ingredients, they select minerals from the Dead Sea, the best plant biological sciences and essential oils and also the highest quality botanical actives to formulate the merchandise. They apprehend that the simplest skin and hair care merchandise square measure made up of minimally processed botanicals: organic or responsibly wild crafted, pure, raw, live, unrefined, and handled fastidiously to not diminish their efficiency. Advantages:-i. They provide organic products in one category i.e. hair and skin care organic products.ii. They provide advice regarding problems of hair and skin. Disadvantages:-i. The range of products available is limited.ii. The products are not 100% organic. And also not products only related to organic is been given. 2. PansariPANSARI on-line store was planned when an exploration and realization that however seasonal medication is vital and the way will we tend to connect back to the current kind of pharmacy that is distant currently. This heritage has virtually been lost and up to date pharmacy took over and folks most well-liked choosing speedy results instead of set their malady during a correct manner and some way that isn't harmful in any suggests that. Nature has most future for North American nation which may profit North American nation in marvelous ways that. Nothing during this universe is while not a value, and this can be what PANSARI is functioning at, to supply quality herbs and remedies to match your needs. Advantages:They provide herbal and related products.They help user to buy multiple things like food supplements, honey, dry fruits and Arq.They also provide Hakim online where people could contact with them.Disadvantages:They provide multiple things that also contain some amount of chemical in them like in supplements and beauty products. That means not 100% organic.A huge variety of things made from organic farming related every field of life is not present. Organic JiyoOrganic Jiyo was supported to get an easy resolution to a true problem: obtaining reliable organic merchandise was too exhausting and too valuable for thus several in Pakistan; these merchandise weren't without delay offered in grocery stores. Advantages:They provide beauty, grocery, dairy and salads and herbs products.They provide different offers and recipes regarding these products.Disadvantages:The product they provide is not 100% organic.They only work in Lahore.Deals in limited amount of product. OrganicshopinOrganic Shop is India's largest on-line merchant of organics and natural merchandise. With a baton of over 220 trustworthy organic brands in Asian nation like right down to Earth, Organic Asian nation, Rustic Art, does one Speak inexperienced, seasonal Hills and plenty of additional certified organic and natural brands. Organic look has the simplest assortment of organic, natural, seasonal and ayurvedic merchandise in Asian nation. Advantages:They provide a wide range of organic items related every field of life.Different sorts of offers are also given on itemsDisadvantages:The product present are sold by the brands own name not by the seller's name who have done the hard work to make those product.They only work in India.It cannot be called only organic store different other things like bed sheets, gels, towels, clothes and etc.It is a sort of general store.Goals and objectivesOur goal is to help everyone in recognizing their talent in the field of organic products and to reduce diseases from society. Our target people are those who are looking to perform better in their daily life and to earn some money by having an appropriate platform. This project is about the goodwill of the people. The more people benefit from this project, the more we feel achieved and honoured.? To develop the attention in the organic and herbal products.? To motivate the interest of people who can make herbal and organic products by their knowledge and can easily start getting income from it by staying at home.? To facilitate a connection between seller and buyer directly. We plan to move this project on large scale outside the Pakistan that means world-wide every-one would be able to avail the opportunity of buying 100% organic products and paying in their currencyWe will manage to arrange Hakeem, Doctors and Nutritionist so that people could consult them online. In this way, the tradition of inorganic farming will be replaced by organic farming using modern tools integrated with computation and networking. Online Shopping Since the rise and popularization of internet, many websites provide a platform for purchasing things online. These store Apps are designed to assist the user in purchasing the things online while sitting at home and viewing a variety of products. Product categories that are typically targeted by such applications include products from every field of life. Our application will incorporate the effort of common people who have organic farming or the talent of making 100% organic things. The application will provide a platform to the sellers to sell their products with their own identity and price the products accordingly. Our designed platform will help the customers to buy the organic product regarding many fields of life. We will also deal in herbs and a wide range of herbal products will also be sold. Both seller and buyer would be able to communicate with each other using our platform. IntroductionIn history agriculture was done without the use of chemicals but now a day a huge amount of different type of chemicals are used in agriculture to grow things faster. It is causing harm to the environment. With increasing urbanization and modernization there has been an increase in prevalence of using inorganic products that contain harmful material and have several bad effects with some benefits as well. Globally, around 23% of adults aged 18 and over were not active enough in 2015 (men 20% and women 27%) due to inorganic farming. Inorganic farming is a key risk factor for most of the diseases now a day such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes and many more. Globally, 1 in 4 adults is the patient of multiple serious diseases. Considering the public health implications it is essential to promote Organic Farming in context of an individual's health and environment. The emerging popularity of Online shopping Apps has presented an interesting challenge to mobile application developers. Applications like these have the potential to motivate its users in saving time and money and breaking a trend of taking out time to go to market and waste so much time to look for product.With the help of our application we will target the common people effort and hard work. The feature that distinguishes our application from others is our target that is common people selling all products made of completely from organic thing not a single amount of chemical is added. We will describe the design, development, and evaluation of an app that will help people to buy products that are made of 100% organic things and of herbs. The common people hard work is targeted and has given a platform where they will buy and sell the organic products and easily get rid of many diseases. This chapter describes the background, problem definition, purpose, goals, scope, methodology and the limitations of this project.BACKGROUNDInorganic and chemically formulated products are significant public health problems worldwide with serious health consequences. Globally, 1 in 4 adults is not active enough due to many diseases. More than 80% of the Pakistan's population is insufficiently physically well. Moreover, Research approves that the causes of many new diseases is this Inorganic farming. But there are some people who work hard in organic farming and make 100% organic things but they don't have any specific platform to bring their talent in-front of the world. This creates a need of online shopping website that will help users to display their products so that the people who want to buy fully organic products could buy from here. Similarly it allows people to buy different products made organic things and herbs regarding different field of life. Moreover, people who don't know how to make organic things at home would be easily able to buy their required products with complete assurance of the products to be organic. Motivation and ScopeThe main motivation of this project is to provide a platform to both sellers and buyers to provide access to homemade things of several different kinds at one place of sellers to sell and buyers to buy.PROJECT SCOPEThe application will be designed to serve in all over Pakistan. Everyone can get benefit from our website irrespective of age and gender.Login- Only the authorized users will be able to access the system through proper log in.Product Category and Items- The admin will add organic items and herbs categories to the system. The seller will add different products to the selected category. The same information could be updated and deleted.View details- The buyer will be a ble to view details of the selected item.Shopping cart- The buyer will place order for more than 1 item and add this information to the cart. The buyer will also be able to modify the information in the shopping cart.Online shopping- The system will allow the user to place order for the selected items regarding his need.Cost calculation and payment- The system will calculate total cost of the item placed in the cart and provide payment options.Seller Profile- This module will allow the user to be registered as seller and will display their products on the platform given by using their own identity.Buyer Profile- This module will allow the user to be registered as a buyer and can view different items uploaded on the website and avail the opportunity of getting different offers and they don't need to give their complete information every time while placing order it would be stored in the system.Feedback- The system will allow the buyer to give their response about the product that the y have used. But only this option will be given to those who have purchased that particular item from the website. There will be no fake feedback.Search- It will be easy for the customer to search the products based on his interest. The search will be done on different categories like seller name, category, price etcRelated Work1.ConaturalSourcing solely the best and most strong ingredients, they select minerals from the Dead Sea, the best plant biological sciences and essential oils and also the highest quality botanical actives to formulate the merchandise. They apprehend that the simplest skin and hair care merchandise square measure made up of minimally processed botanicals: organic or responsibly wild crafted, pure, raw, live, unrefined, and handled fastidiously to not diminish their efficiency. Advantages:-i. They provide organic products in one category i.e. hair and skin care organic products.ii. They provide advice regarding problems of hair and skin. Disadvantages:-i. The range of products available is limited.ii. The products are not 100% organic. And also not products only related to organic is been given. 2. PansariPANSARI on-line store was planned when an exploration and realization that however seasonal medication is vital and the way will we tend to connect back to the current kind of pharmacy that is distant currently. This heritage has virtually been lost and up to date pharmacy took over and folks most well-liked choosing speedy results instead of set their malady during a correct manner and some way that isn't harmful in any suggests that. Nature has most future for North American nation which may profit North American nation in marvelous ways that. Nothing during this universe is while not a value, and this can be what PANSARI is functioning at, to supply quality herbs and remedies to match your needs. Advantages:They provide herbal and related products.They help user to buy multiple things like food supplements, honey, dry fruits and Arq.They also provide Hakim online where people could contact with them.Disadvantages:They provide multiple things that also contain some amount of chemical in them like in supplements and beauty products. That means not 100% organic.A huge variety of things made from organic farming related every field of life is not present. Organic JiyoOrganic Jiyo was supported to get an easy resolution to a true problem: obtaining reliable organic merchandise was too exhausting and too valuable for thus several in Pakistan; these merchandise weren't without delay offered in grocery stores. Advantages:They provide beauty, grocery, dairy and salads and herbs products.They provide different offers and recipes regarding these products.Disadvantages:The product they provide is not 100% organic.They only work in Lahore.Deals in limited amount of product. OrganicshopinOrganic Shop is India's largest on-line merchant of organics and natural merchandise. With a baton of over 220 trustworthy organic brands in Asian nation like right down to Earth, Organic Asian nation, Rustic Art, does one Speak inexperienced, seasonal Hills and plenty of additional certified organic and natural brands. Organic look has the simplest assortment of organic, natural, seasonal and ayurvedic merchandise in Asian nation. Advantages:They provide a wide range of organic items related every field of life.Different sorts of offers are also given on itemsDisadvantages:The product present are sold by the brands own name not by the seller's name who have done the hard work to make those product.They only work in India.It cannot be called only organic store different other things like bed sheets, gels, towels, clothes and etc.It is a sort of general store.Goals and objectivesOur goal is to help everyone in recognizing their talent in the field of organic products and to reduce diseases from society. Our target people are those who are looking to perform better in their daily life and to earn some money by having an appropriate platform. This project is about the goodwill of the people. The more people benefit from this project, the more we feel achieved and honoured.? To develop the attention in the organic and herbal products.? To motivate the interest of people who can make herbal and organic products by their knowledge and can easily start getting income from it by staying at home.? To facilitate a connection between seller and buyer directly. We plan to move this project on large scale outside the Pakistan that means world-wide every-one would be able to avail the opportunity of buying 100% organic products and paying in their currencyWe will manage to arrange Hakeem, Doctors and Nutritionist so that people could consult them online. In this way, the tradition of inorganic farming will be replaced by organic farming using modern tools integrated with computation and networking.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
The Malala Debate
The Malala debate There is a groundswell of sympathy for Malala and also a strong demand for the Pakistani state to do something about the issue. Much of the discontent is directed toward the Pakistani Taliban, the extremist group that has claimed responsibility for the shooting and declared it has vowed to kill Malala if she recovers from her injuries. Also, it has issued fresh threats to another girl Hina Khan of Islamabad who is also known for her female rights activism and pro education stance.This threat comes two weeks after the Taliban shot Malala. Hina is originally from the Swat valley but was forced to move with her family to Islamabad in 2006 after she publically criticised the Taliban’s atrocities. The Malala incident has renewed the attention on the plight of women in Afghanistan. Twenty one year old Afghan activist Noorjahan Akbar, who has been leading a fight for women’s rights in Afghanistan, has articulated that Malala’s case will strengthen her and others fight for girl’s rights.Cofounder of a non profit group called Young Women for Change; she has been instrumental in organising trailblazing efforts such as the first Afghan march against street harassment, radio campaigns about gender equality and street posters against child marriage and abuse. This year, her group opened a women’s Internet cafe in Kabul, providing a forum for women to gather and share ideas. Although women in Afghanistan are for the cause of Malala and support her fight but there are many other women activists like Akbar who are fighting for the same cause and not getting the support they deserve.No doubt, Malala’s case is more horrifying as she is young and nobody would look at her as a threat as a 14-year old girl promoting education, no one has heard about Hanifa Safi women activist who was killed this summer. Fifteen girls had acid thrown on their face a couple of years ago but no public protest was held. More than 300 girls wer e poisoned in Afghan schools this summer specifically because they wanted to have access to education; unfortunately no one talks about it. Malala’s case has created a buzz which it deserves and the way its gaining popularity can help to highlight these cases which re otherwise completely ignored. The Civil Society Movements The Malala incident and eventually her cause got support from almost all parts of the World especially from the South Asian Countries where human rights activists, acedemicians, students and members of civil society took to streets to condemn the attack. From Madonna to Angelina Jolie to top Politicians like Hina Rabbani Khar and Rehman Malik, people from all walks and corners of the World are appreciating her courage and have vowed to support her mission to ensure education for girls in Pakistan.The Pakistan government has offered to provide security to Malala when she will return to Pakistan and has promised to provide all necessary help. Even the Sunni clerics in Pakistan have issued a Fatwa against the Taliban, decrying an attack on a girl as un-Islamic, which speaks volumes about Malala and her cause and how people from diverse background are in the same boat for the cause. In a message of defiance to the Taliban, authorities in Swat have decided to rename a government college after Malala. The College offers high school and undergraduate education for 2,000 girl’s and young women.Can this be sustained? Although the cause for women’s rights in Taliban affected areas has been supported by the developing countries and the western world, it has always been very hard to implement it at the grass root level. The women activists or others spreading education or fighting for women’s rights have to face the brunt of the Taliban. Malala’s cause has gained support from every corner, the blog she wrote for BBC with the pseudo name Gul Makai about the poor state of girls in Swat under the Taliban earned her innu merable sympathizers.The International Children’s peace prize in October 2011 and Pakistani first National peace prize further gave recognition to her work and the documentaries made on her added to the popularity. The Taliban feared that she is being held as a hero by the World and thus shot her which only added to more support for her cause. Thus, considering all the above factors and the debate and support she has generated, it is not wrong to say that the momentum evoked by the Malala movement is likely to sustain for a longer period of time and even more so if she returns to Swat and take the battle to its logical end.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Should Gaming Be A Sport - 1409 Words
Should gaming be a sport? Domanick Gilman April/08/2016 Do you think gaming should be a sport? Well it s up to you to decide. I say yes and here is why. So say if you play Football on a team for school and when your done your games, or practices, you go home and relax in your room and then you decide to play video games. Not just any game, but NCAA Football 12. So you play it and play it till you have to get off to bed, And you lay in bed and thought to yourself is there a way to preserve how great you are. Wel,l there is many ways to make youtube videos, but the biggest is to go to a video game convention where you could play in front of thousands of people doing the same kind of things. You could be the best and prove that you got talent and could beat the best in the game and have a chance to be on tv. There are so many different types of games to the point you could never get bored. For example, you could play Action-adventure games, Platforming games, Alternate reality games, Sports games, and etc. If you re into shooter games you co uld â€Å"Call of Duty†, if you re into racing you could play Forza 6. There are so many options for you and someday you will find that one game that you will enjoy the most. â€Å"It’s a virtual sport, perhaps not a physical sport. It requires just as much skill and mental focus. Gaming is incredibly competitive, just as any other sport. Most likely it all just depends on what you want to make the definition of a sport. Does it have to involveShow MoreRelatedCompetitive Gaming Should Be Consider A Sport975 Words  | 4 PagesCompetitive Gaming Should Be Consider a Sport Video games have been around for many years and so has competitive gaming. The first video game was created around 1970 and was Pong. Pong required one or two players to play. 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They would never think that in the future eSport (electronic sport), would be growing up extremely fast. â€Å"Last year, tournaments awarded more than $15 million around the world, up from just over a $1 million a decade ago†(Holden 87) according to the statistics from the Just think about i t, the first place team can be guaranteed to get at least $1 million dollars, and this isRead MoreReality Changes From People Across The World1619 Words  | 7 Pagesdifferently. It is common to form misconceptions on a subject that is relatively new and upcoming. Sports are generally one of the most common ways we conquer boredom. This entertainment involves, according to the Oxford Dictionary, physical exertion as well as brain stimulation. With technology emerging, the online gaming industry has become a vast media culture. Connecting millions across the world, the online gaming world provides users with an interactive database which engages both their body and theirRead MoreEsports: Informative Paper1250 Words  | 5 Pagesprize of 1 million dollars in front of 1000s right there in Los Angeles and millions watching from all around the world. II. Topic: These millions from around the world have emitted their love for gaming into a hugely popular phenomena known as Electronic sports or better known as of E-Sports. Viewership has seen explosive growth in 2013 and is still growing with no sign of deterrence. Now with the integration of technology into our culture a new type of athlete has risen. One that doesn’tRead MoreCase Study : Omega And Genii1733 Words  | 7 Pagesthe moment; it is interesting to see that Genii have made several moves to grow through such means. The latest news emerging from the company is that they will work with Omega Gaming going forward in what looks to cap two months of relentless corporate expansion. The Latest Addition What the new agreement with Omega Gaming represents for Genii is the seventh major deal that the company has signed-off on in the past two months. Growth is something that the company has sought out aggressively as of
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